
How I Pulled the Plug and Started a Blog

Obviously I’m new to this whole thing, not life but blogging. I’m going to be completely honest, I have no clue what I’m doing here or even in my everyday life. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I’m kind of a mess, but I’m okay with that and I also have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life.

I live in small-town North Dakota where the most exciting thing to do on the weekend is to go out to eat or “go to town”. Now let me be frank when I say “go to town”, what I really mean is drive 30 miles in one direction on completely flat land to a city that has a population of 90,000 when all the college kids are in town. Trust me, it’s extremely riveting.

During the week I spend my time inside working as an accountant at the small community college two blocks from my house. As much as I love numbers and my job, it’s definitely not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life.

Being a new mom I want to be able to stay home with my little guy, but let’s be real that’s just not in the cards for this small-town girl. Maybe one day if I’m lucky I’ll be able to work from home or something, but at the ripe old age of 23 that just isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

So, what do I do about it? What do I do to get through the long and tiring days? I write. When I’m not writing I’m making plans and thinking about ways I can achieve my goal of working at home with the hope that one day it all pays off.

Last fall I decided to take it upon myself and try my hand at writing a book. All throughout college I found myself reading every second I wasn’t busy, let’s be real I even read when I was supposed to be busy sometimes, but I was just that committed.

After seven months I finished my first book. I was proud and couldn’t stop myself from the wishful thinking that this could be my ticket out. My way to get out of the nine to five lifestyle and onto the flexible schedule I’ve always dreamed of having. Plot twist: it didn’t turn out.

I sold maybe 50 copies in the first couple of months and as great as that is it wasn’t even close to enough to what I needed to make to be able to compensate for my full-time job. Why stop there though? I decided to try again. I’m usually pretty good at finishing what I start, but this one is still unfinished so I’ll let you know how it ends when it’s done.

So after a couple of months off for maternity leave, I’ve decided to take a try at something I’ve always thought about doing, but have never had the guts to follow through on, blogging.

As nervous as I am that no one is going to care what I have to say or someone is going to make fun of what I post, I’m doing this for me and I am so proud of myself. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to try there’s truly no time like the present to give it a go.

Sincerely, Maddi T

Just a small town mom who loves to read and write and has a slight obsession with Disney.